Friday, February 1, 2013

Officially 31 years old and 33 weeks pregnant!

So I am officially 31 years old and 33 weeks pregnant! The baby dropped 2 weeks ago when I was 31 weeks pregnant, which I thought was really early. So, I did a little internet searching and found that it is pretty common in second pregnancies (even though the sites say it's not). A lot of second time moms had early dropping. The Pregnancy has been a total breeze compared to  my first. The only thing is after about week 31 this time I feel very, very pregnant! Sometimes I could almost swear that this baby is going to fall out any minute. Then sometimes very late at night he squirms and kicks like crazy! I have tried for several weeks to get Lonnie to feel him move. I swear this baby knows when Lonnie is going to try to feel, because he just stops moving.  Even if I just say " hey Lonnie" then the baby stops moving too. Finally Last night around midnight while we were laying in bed watching t.v. the baby started moving. I slowly replaced my hand with Lonnie's hand on my belly. It so worked that time. Daddy finally got to feel his little boy move! When I was pregnant with Jaelyn; we only felt her kick a couple of times. ( I never felt her flip or have big movements) All Jaelyn did was sleep. Even when we went to the doctor every week the last 10 weeks; the nurse would have to pull out this device to put on my belly (it basically looked like an electric razor without the razor part) and turn it on to wake her up. They had to do this every time before they hooked me up to the fetal monitor. This time with This pregnancy the baby is awake and active every time they just check his heart beat. I am so excited that this next Thursday on our 34th week check up we will get to have our last ultrasound. I can't wait to see his face. I am hopping all goes well and we at least get one 3d picture. We couldn't ever get one with Jaelyn. I have a very strange feeling that he will try to make his entrance before our scheduled C-section. I have had this feeling for months now, and the day he dropped I really started to think that. I have loved this last time of being pregnant, but I am getting very anxious to meet our little baby boy Jordan Andrew Haggard! Oh, and so is Jaelyn. She is still counting down the weeks!!

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