Thursday, January 17, 2013

31 weeks

As of yesterday I have hit 31 weeks of being pregnant. Let me say I am  feeling really pregnant this time. So far I have gained 17 pounds which is so much better than I did with Jaelyn. But this time around I feel like I can't bend over. I either feel like he is pushing through my bladder or hitting me right below the ribs. I never felt this way with Jaelyn at all. In fact I rarely felt her move or anything. This baby kicks, pokes, and  tosses and turns. We have finally decided on a name and are really starting to love it. Jaelyn actually picked it out. We are going to name him Jordan. Jaelyn is always asking about Jordan and wanting to talk to her baby Jordan. She is getting so anxious for him to arrive. Yesterday we finally attacked the bedroom and cleaned it out. We also got one wall painted. Today I have to go buy the other color for the rest of his walls. We all three contributed to painting, but for the most part it was Lonnie. The colors I picked sound so great together : Truly olive- for the solid wall behind his crib and Warm Caramel- for the other three walls. Everything is starting to come together. Only 8 more weeks until my C-section and our family of three becomes a family of four!

                     Jaelyn Just could not wait to paint the wall.
    These other walls will be painted the Warm Caramel color this week.
                      Daddy and Jaelyn finishing up the first coat.