Saturday, January 11, 2014

Who is your favorite Chef?

       Tonight while I was trying a new recipe out of my Pioneer Woman Cookbook, I had a funny memory. I remembered my Grandma and my Mom watching  Emeril Live  (a.k.a. the BAM guy) and laughing and saying ooh I would like to try that. They loved that show and as a teenager I could not understand why.

      Now 15 years later, I get it! Cooking shows (some of them) are not only entertaining but they are very relaxing to watch. I found this out when I had our Little Man last March.  I was feeding him in the living room one morning and turned the t.v. onto the  Food Network channel. I watched an episode of Paula Deen (whom I was obsessed with for many, many years) and watched her cook with some celebrity.  I left it on that channel and watched the next show that came on. After a couple of days of this, I realized that I would relax so much when I would listen to these chefs' talk. There voice always stayed calm.  I then got hooked on cooking shows. 

     So, Now I'll get back to when I was cooking tonight and I thought about all of this. It also led me to think of how every few years there is a new chef that is very popular. Back in the 90's it was Bobby Flay and Emeril Laggase. Then in the the early 2000's it was Paula Deen and Rachel Ray. Now it is the Pioneer Woman.  Oh how I love to watch the Pioneer Woman. I attempted her Meat loaf tonight and I must say it was Fabulous!!  

 Here are some pics of the Great Meat Loaf I made with her recipe. Meat Loaf with bacon on top, plus a sweet and tangy ketchup sauce on top of that.


     One more thing is on my mind. Why when ever we (we being in general) want a snack and there is not one in the house; we go and stand with cabinet door or fridge door open starring in? Do we really think that the food is going to magically appear? This is what Drama Queen did while I was cooking dinner tonight. So I snapped a pic of it.  Gotta love it!

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