Monday, March 11, 2013

Our family will change in three days.

     Our life as we know it is about to change in 3 days. On Thursday morning I will be having a c-section at 7:30 am to have our little boy Jordan Andrew. I am so excited and Anxious. One feeling I have that I really didn't think I would is the feeling of worry for Jaelyn. I almost feel sad for her, when I think about her only having three more days of being an only child. I don't know why I feel that way. Jaelyn is still super excited about being a big sister and meeting Jordan. She still talks to Jordan daily. She leans into my stomach and says"Jordan are you okay? I Love you Jordan!" She still calls him her baby too, and that totally melts my heart every she says it.
     I  usually never stress when Jaelyn stays a night or two away from us, but this time she is going to be staying with two different sets of grandparents for a total of three to four nights. I am already stressing about her not being with us then. I know she will be safe and happy with each set of her grandparent's, but I almost feel guilty about spending the time with Jordan without her. (Please, somebody tell me this is a normal feeling for a second time Mom!)  I guess I have had to much time to think about these things and that is why they are bothering me.
    Now onto more happy thoughts! I have been nesting like crazy the last week. I deep cleaned our oven and stove, our Fridge, and I totally cleaned out Jordan's closet and organized it. I have been cleaning cabinets and Interior doors too. I am totally determined to have all the laundry and dishes stay caught up this week. I don't want  to come home on Saturday to a dirty house at all. Plus, Lonnie will be the one cooking and cleaning at least the first few days we are back home.
     I believe this delivery will be so much better. At least I know that this time there will not be 3 hours of pushing ,17 hours of labor, and then having an end result of a c-section. This time  I have been told Surgery should start about 7:30 am and I should be out of recovery and back into my own room by 9:00am. I am so happy to think that this time I should actually have the energy  to bond with my baby.

Here are some of things that I have noticed this during this pregnancy

at first I craved Potatoes in any way! (fried, baked, or mashed)
then I craved Hamburgers.
I never really had that much morning sickness at all
This baby moves all the time and gets the hiccups a lot.
I have gained exactly 20 pounds during this pregnancy

     This is the wall Jordan's crib will be on. For now his crib is in our room.
                   everything is all set to go and waiting for our lil man!

 We took Jaelyn to the park out by the River last week. She was having a ball!

                                      She love's to  hit any ball with her bat.

                                         I just love this girl!

                 This is the wall you see when you walk into his room.

1 comment:

  1. You are totally normal! I was so worried about Noah and felt like I was taking something away from him because I had Ryan so close to him. He has been better than I ever could have imagined! He calls her "Noah's Baby Ryan" and loves on her constantly! Noah had to stay 3 nights away from us and I did not like it at all - plus you are emotional anyway (dang hormones) so I remember crying when he came home and he looked SO big! It took a few weeks to get back into routine, but it really was harder on me than him. Kids are very adaptable! Good luck tomorrow!
