Monday, April 16, 2012

Goals can be reached!!

So, I have changed the name of my blog and decided to actually try blogging once again. Since I have just started the new adventure of becoming a stay at home mom, I figure I can blog about the adventures that I have with my little girl. She is full of Sass and Spunk. I do believe she gets the sass from me and the spunk from my husband. Some times I think She is 2 going on 13 instead of 2 going on 3.

So far I have been  a SAHM for two weeks, and I can truly say I am loving it. We were just starting to think that we could never achieve our goal of me staying home with Jaelyn. I had decided when I had her I wanted to be able to stay home with her by the time she was two. She turned two last July, and I thought well there goes that dream...  It seemed like every time we got close to it becoming reality something would go wrong. For instance by the time Jaelyn was 11 months we had sold our home and bought another to be able to get rid of lots of debt. Then the house we had bought needed a new roof (still not as much debt as we had in the other home). Then by the time Jaelyn was turning two we had to replace our Central Heat and Air Unit. Let me tell you those are not cheap either. Finally This year We were able to pay off all debt except our house and a never ending hospital bill ( I seriously don't think it will ever go away). now I did have to sale my car to reach this point (and I loved my car) but I thought if I am going to get to stay home with Jae why do I need to pay a payment on a second vehicle? So the day we sold my Car ( it only took one day to sell it!) is when everything started falling into place.

I do know that totally cutting out a second income is a huge deal for us. But I can honestly say I don't think I will ever think I will regret the decision I made. Every day when I have more time with my family and have a cleaner more organized home reassures me I made the right decision. I am truly Loving my new life!!

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