Sunday, July 21, 2013

Jaelyn turns 4 years old and Jordan turns 4 months old!!

I can't believe that two weeks ago Jaelyn turned 4 years old. Where has time went? My little girl is growing up way too fast. She wanted a beach party. Well the closest she got to a beach party was her cupcakes. I only wish that someday soon we can take her to the ocean and beach. This girl loves to learn about anything in the ocean.  She had a blast at her party and loved every single present she got. She has decided that Hot pink is her very favorite color now. Anything that is hot pink she absolutely loves. The sunset a few days ago was hot pink and orange and she thought is was so pretty. I love this little girl and can't  believe how fast she is growing up. Next year she will start Kindergarten. I am just glad that I will still have one child home for a few more years!! Speaking of our other child, Jordan turned 4 months old already this last week. I feel as though if I blink a couple more times that he will be turning one already. I am really trying to savor these first 12 months with him.

Jaelyn had her 4year shots  and Jordan had his 4 month shots this week.  Jordan did great. He's a tough little guy.  Jaelyn screamed her pretty little head off. Then about an hour later she had a slight fever. Shots never bothered her until she was 3 1/2 years old. No more shots for Jaelyn until she is 12 years old! Jordan has to go back and get more in 2 months though.

Jordan now weights 14 pounds 6.8 ounces
He is now 24 inches long
he is 50% in  weight and 25% in height
He sleeps great. during the day he sometimes takes 4 hour naps and at night he still sleeps anywhere from 4-8 hours without a bottle. If he does wake for a bottle, then it doesn't take much time for him to go back to sleep.
He is still in size 2 diapers
He is finally starting to grow out of size 1 shoes
He is wearing 3-6 month clothing

                                               Jaelyn opening her gifts

                                                     Happy Birthday Jae!!

                                                 Her cute cupcakes

                          Birthday Princess Jaelyn turns 4 years old

                    She got her Birthday Ice cream from the Oark Store

                                       These two kiddos are my world.

                                          Jordan is 4 months old

                       Since he has been teething, he loves to chew on his fingers.